Abstract Submittal

Online abstract submission is required for oral and poster presentations.

Abstracts should relate to the technical session theme and should clearly summarize the proposed paper or poster in one page.

Abstracts that focus primarily on the marketing of commercial material are discouraged.

Each abstract must include the following:

  • Title of paper
  • Author(s)
  • Affiliation for each author listed
  • Name and affiliation of presenter
  • Point of contact with complete email address and phone number
  • The session topic or theme that best describes the abstract

Submit an Abstract

By submitting, each author/coauthor agrees to the following conditions:

  1. All approvals, including Government and organizational approvals, have been obtained to submit an abstract. Proper approval and clearances are the responsibility of the author—please plan accordingly.
  2. The CALCON Technical Meeting is authorized to circulate abstracts to committee members and reviewers for evaluation and selection purposes.
  3. Accepted abstracts will be posted on the CALCON website prior to the Meeting and will be published and distributed to all on-site meeting participants.
  4. Meeting proceedings for the general technical sessions will be published online for public access with the Utah State University Institutional Repository.