Call for Papers
We invite you to participate in the CALCON Technical Meeting by submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation.
CALCON promotes the interchange of technical data and lessons learned from programs within the remote sensing community, with emphasis toward calibration.
Technical sessions will be organized to cover a wide range of topics that address interests of the larger sensor calibration community, dependent on the number and quality of submissions received. Each session will focus on a broad theme represented in a selected group of submitted abstracts.
The topics listed below are grouped to illustrate several possible themes for potential technical sessions. However, we welcome abstracts on any topic relating to radiometric sensor calibration.
Session Topics & Themes
Test Planning & Preparation
Examining sensor calibration planning and preparation solutions. Topics could range from UV, visible, IR, microwave, and SAR instruments to technology demonstrations and high-fidelity missions.
Techniques & Methods
Discussing instrument calibration measurement techniques, methods, or correlation. Examples could include, but are not limited to, ground-based, airborne, or on-orbit calibration.
Hardware & Facilities
Developing state-of-the-art instrument calibration hardware and facilities to a designated standard. The focus is on improvements to existing hardware and facilities to enhance traceability and long-term performance trending.
Data Analysis & Modeling
Exploring data analysis algorithms and models used to enhance results precision. For example, how to incorporate novel techniques, such as AI/ML, to understand payload trends and facilitate results transfer to mission stakeholders.
Results & Lessons Learned
Sharing experiences, results, and improvement ideas. Topics could include payload measurement assessment to demonstrate mission objectives and requirements, sensor comparison based on differing scientific objectives (astronomy, climate, target identification), capability and measurement opportunities, and lessons learned for future enhancements.