Sponsorship Opportunities
Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available to companies wishing to elevate their visibility during the Meeting. Sponsors receive increased exposure through Meeting publications, the CALCON website, and on‐site recognition. Sponsorship is available regardless of exhibit participation.
Luncheons & Refreshment Breaks
We invite you to co-sponsor the luncheons or a refreshment break. Lunches and breaks provide an excellent opportunity for Meeting participants and vendors to interact in a casual atmosphere. All Meeting participants are invited to participate in these complimentary events.
Luncheon Sponsorship—$500
Three sponsorships are available for each lunch and include the following:
- Logo recognition in all on-site Meeting publications
- Recognition from the lectern
- Link on the Meeting website
- Sponsor-provided promotional materials distributed in participant packets
Refreshment Break Sponsorship—$400
One morning and one afternoon sponsorship are available for each day
and include the following:
- Logo recognition in all on-site Meeting publications
- Logo and company recognition on the refreshment table during sponsored break
- Recognition from the lectern
Wednesday BBQ
Sponsor the annual Wednesday BBQ. This popular event brings attendees together for good food and good company in a beautiful Cache Valley setting.
BBQ Sponsorship—$1,000
Sponsorship includes the following:
- Logo recognition in all on-site Meeting publications
- Mention in pre-meeting email communication to attendees
- Recognition from the lectern
- Link on the Meeting website
- Sponsor-provided promotional materials distributed in participant packets
Sponsor the Monday morning technical workshops. These three-hour workshops focus on topics of special interest to attendees and are presented by experts in the field.
Workshop Sponsorship—$1,000
Sponsorship includes the following:
- Logo recognition in all on-site Meeting publications
- Mention in pre-meeting email communication to attendees
- Recognition from the lectern
- Link on the Meeting website
- Sponsor-provided promotional materials distributed in participant packets