Rules & Regulations

  1. Exhibitors must secure, at their own expense, appropriate liability/loss insurance and provide reasonable security for equipment and displays. The Meeting and/or its affiliates will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage to exhibitor-supplied equipment during any part of the exhibition.
  2. Exhibitors may not resell, sublet, or share booth space with any other company without the express permission of show management. Management reserves the right to require special liability agreements from proposed consortiums prior to accepting booth registration.
  3. Exhibitors must adhere to display specifications as detailed in the exhibitor kit, adhere to ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirements, and maintain tasteful displays. Show management reserves the right to require adjustments to exhibited materials to ensure display compliance.
  4. Show management reserves the right to cancel any exhibit space at any time for misrepresentation of products displayed or for noncompliance with any of the rules set forth herein.
  5. The Space Dynamics Laboratory reserves the right to cancel this program due to insufficient enrollment and limits its liability to registration refunds only.
  6. Full payment must accompany registration. No telephone or temporary reservations will be accepted. Booth assignment requests will be honored in the order fully paid reservations are received. Booth assignments will be confirmed with emailed reservation confirmation.
  7. Booth space reservations must be made by the company intending to use the space. An authorized representative of the company must sign and date the application, indicating company agreement to comply with all rules and regulations of the show, including all rules outlined in this brochure, the exhibitor kit, and future correspondence.
  8. A maximum of two representatives per booth space shall be allowed in the exhibition. Additional representatives shall be assessed an extra fee of $50 each. Exhibitor name badges will be prepared from a list submitted by the exhibit manager. Changes to this list, either prior to the meeting or on site, will be made only with the company representative's permission. Exhibitor name badges will be assigned to specific individuals, may not be transferred, and must be always worn by exhibitors. Exhibitor name badges will not provide admission to the meeting sessions.
  9. Cancellations of space will be assessed a $100 cancellation fee if cancellation is received in writing by May 1, 2025. Thereafter, no refunds will be provided for unoccupied space (refer to rule #2). In the event of show cancellation at any time, show management liability is limited to a full refund of exhibitor registration fees.
  10. Gifts and giveaways must be professional in nature. Management reserves the right to review giveaways and stop distribution of distasteful items.
  11. Exhibitors may not distribute, duplicate, sell, or otherwise misuse meeting participant lists provided to them.
  12. Exhibitors shall comply with all fire laws, electrical codes and all other rules, regulations, codes, statutes, or ordinances with respect to installation, conduct, and disassembly of exhibits. Exhibitors shall comply with all requests of the officials of the Space Dynamics Laboratory and show management with respect to the installation, conduct, and disassembly of exhibits.
  13. Exhibitors vending at the CALCON Technical Meeting hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the Space Dynamics Laboratory and its trustees, officers and agents, employees and students from any and all liability including claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses of every kind and description (including death) or damage to persons or property, including but not resulting, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission of the exhibitor, its agents or employees or on accounts of injuries, death or property damage arising out of activities of the exhibitor as authorized by this agreement, or arising out of its use of exhibitor services and facilities, or arising as the result of any noncompliance with the American Disabilities Act.
  14. Exhibitors who sell products or services at the exhibition will be subject to Utah State Tax Commission regulations. In accordance with the terms, conditions, and regulations governing exhibits, signature of the company representative on the application form represents application for space and agreement to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this agreement or as specifically designated by show management. Said application, once accepted and space confirmed by show management, becomes a contract. Failure to abide by show rules and regulations will result in forfeiture of all monies paid under terms of this agreement.
  15. It is the responsibility of the exhibiting organization to ensure display items and written materials are approved for public release and not controlled under ITAR or any other export control laws (applicable only to US-based organizations).